Thursday, April 26, 2012

Opening Worship at GC2012

 (Note: This is somewhat after the fact, but I was having computer connectivity issues!)

Opening worship was full of pageantry.  There was lively, globally-conscious music.  Symbols, dancers, Bishops, lo!ts of Bishops, and awesome video. But was the Holy Spirit present?  I'm sure some felt the movement of the Spirit, but, sadly, for me, though I was entertained and enjoyed the experience, I was not moved or inspired or deeply touched. I have been reflecting on why.

I had high hopes for the opening: Native Americans took the stage. But when the presenter told a Native American creation story as if being in NA territory meant that Genesis 1 &  2 were not relevant, my own spirit withdrew.  The creative dance and dramatic presentation were well-done and beautiful, but didn't speak to me. I acknowledge that this is most likely a problem in me, but there you have it. The video presentation was professional but felt more like a preview of Discovery Channel's series on Planet Earth.  The music was pretty good overall, but the anthem "God Has Work for Us to Do" was just boring.  The decorations were tasteful, but the cross, though on the stage, was almost disguised and hidden, as if we were ashamed of what it really means.

What did I want that I didn't get? I wanted a focus on Jesus.  I wanted pleading prayers that called upon the Holy Spirit to fall upon us.  I wanted less choreography and professionalism and more authentic crying out to God.  I wanted music that gave honor and praise to the crucified and risen Christ, that celebrated Jesus as Lord of our lives. I wanted less drama and more scripture.

What spoke most?  The Bishop's sermon.  The service of communion whose words were familiar and (to me) deeply meaningful.  I loved hearing the mix of voices and languages.  And the old hymns redeemed  some of the pagan theology.

I am continuing to pray that God will open my heart to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit here at GC2012.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Impressions from General Conference

It's interesting how many people I know or, at least, who are familiar to me this time around.  I was at Fort Worth and felt a little out of place--since I wasn't a delegate.  This time I am happy to be here in a support capacity and feel the energy. 

I  love connecting and re-connecting with some of the staff people I worked with last time.  These are the folks who make it all happen.  They have almost uniformly positive attitudes and servant hearts.  I am having fun people-watching and catching snippets of conversation here and there.  Mostly it's things like, "When did you get in?" "Do you know what room we are in?" "So good to see you again!" etc.  Some folks are already grouping and looking like they are having serious conversations, but most are just enjoying the day, the reconnecting, and the beautiful weather. 

Those of us who are working as Recorders or Transcribers (or both!) have had our training and the newbies are trying to pick the brains of those who have done this before.  Some of the trainees are looking a bit worried about what they have gotten themselves into. 

There are some very serious issues coming up in the next few days and a tremendous amount of work to be done.  The legislative committees don't even start to work until Thursday morning and have to be completely through by Saturday evening at 9:30.  As it stands now, whatever they don't get to just won't be gotten to.  There is no provision for staying until all the petitions have been looked at, so the committees will have to prioritize their work.  This is a new rule, so we are not sure what the effect will be, but as for now, that is the way it will be done.

Be praying for the delegates as they begin their work and the support staff as they try to provide a calm working environment and smooth process for the delegates.

The next 11 days will be challenging and could potentially have a great impact even on local congregations.  This afternoon, however, I am looking forward to opening worship.  I expect it to be inspiring and I am praying for an outburst of the Holy Spirit.  As I said in a reply to another blog:  "Even United Methodists can have a Pentecost!

Blessings from Tampa,